We are living the history. COVID-19 has been spreading the world for more than 3 months. It originally started in China. At his moment, more than 100 countries has been affected by the virus.

We will use the following formula a lot in this post.



I create a shiny app in DigitalOcean with my own shiny server. It’s saved here.


Leaflet Plot (updated on 2020-04-09)

It’s a 5-level leaflet plot.

Navigate the map in landscape mode in mobile device.

DataTable (updated on 2020-04-09)

The current state of COVID-19. Select the device to browse the table.

Geo Plots for China and the World (ggplot + geom_sf, updated on 2020-04-09)

Two types of geo plots here.

  • Confirmed (Number of Cumulative Confirmed Cases): the total number of cases in the region, no matter what the current state is, effected, recovered or dead.
  • Remaining (Number of Remaining Cases): it’s the number of cumulative confirmed cases subtracts the numbers of recovered and dead cases.
Cumulative Confirmed Cases
Remaining Cases

HTML Plot (ggplotly, updated on 2020-04-09)

Comparing China and outside of China.

The view experience in mobile device will be better if using landscape.

Top 20 Countries Facet Plot (ggplot + facet_wrap, updated on 2020-04-09)

The plots are ranking from the most the the least of the top 20 countries.


Shiny App

This is a shinyapp locating here. The app doesn’t work in some cases. That’s because I only use the free-tier shinyapps.io, whose monthly active hour is 25 hours. So I decided not spend too much time to optimize the view experience in this section.

This simple shiny doesn’t work any more because JHU changed their data format. And I created new shiny app with flexdashboard here.

<div class='iframe-container'>
  <iframe src="https://zhongjzsb.shinyapps.io/covid-19/"></iframe>


  • The data source is from JHU CSSE
  • Code is saved in github.
  • The dashboard github is here.
  • The contents are not scheduled to update daily any more because the change of JHU data format. However, you can go to the flexdashboard here to check the “latest” update of COVID-19 (maybe 1 day delay).